Pose of the Month: Parsvakonasana

Parsvakonasana, modeled here by Ryan, translates as the side (parsva) angle (kona) pose. This pose is done in the hot series as well as hatha and vinyasa styles. Side angle is in the lateral family of poses, which are poses that go to the side. This pose has a wide stance and requires a lot of opening in the inner front thigh.

To get into the pose, take a wide stance and turn your right toes out and your left toes in. Bend into the right knee, creating a warrior 2 shape. From here, side bend to the right and you can place your arm inside your knee (hot style) or take your hand to the floor or to a block inside or outside your front foot. Once you get organized, turn your chest from the right to the left and reach your top arm up or overhead. Take several steady breaths, come up on the inhale and swap your feet for side two.

Gabe Hopp