Yoga in the New Year by Alison King Tigges

I promise, this is not going to be a blog about new year’s resolutions and yoga.  We have all heard enough of that!  In January, we get enough bombarding messages of “get fit in 2024!” or “new year, new you!”.  I have never and will never claim any of these promises.  Mainly, because at One Tree, we know that is not the point of yoga!

Sure, yoga is a physical practice that has many physical benefits.  It is also a mindful practice that can help us look within and make healthy changes to our lives, sometimes in the fields of fitness and nutrition.  And that is awesome.  I will praise the physical benefits of yoga all day, because there are many.

But there is so much more to this whole yoga thing.

I spend a fair amount of time in my classes trying to get across what yoga is, and what yoga is not.  I know that can be confusing when you see lots of yoga images on social media showing you what they want you to believe yoga is. 

Don’t start/do yoga in 2024 if you are doing it to look a certain way, get a certain type of body, or think it will instantly make all your troubles disappear. I mean, whatever gets you in the door!  BUT!  Please know it is deeper if you want it to be. 

You SHOULD start yoga in 2024 (or come back to yoga or recommit to more consistent yoga or go back to your favorite yoga studio) if:

-you are looking to learn more about yourself

-you are looking for tools to help cultivate inner peace and calm

-you want to explore nourishing the body and mind

-you want to stop avoiding what your body/mind needs

-you want to establish a sustainable practice that incorporates body/mind/spirit in a way that can be done for an entire lifetime

-you want to be surrounded by other awesome individuals

-you want tools to deal with chronic stress

The list is endless.  The beauty is, we meet you where you are at!  Yoga is always and always has been, for EVERY body.  You get the chance to show up for yourself, each time you practice.  At One Tree Yoga, we love January and are excited to meet you or see you again. 


Gabe Hopp