Kurunta (Wall Ropes) Defined

One of the more unique styles of yoga offered at One Tree is Kurunta, also referred to as Wall Ropes. This practice incorporates the use of ropes and slings, which are then attached to the wall, to access yoga postures. Traditional props like blocks, blankets, bolsters and chairs are also utilized to help properly align and support the body. Kurunta is an Iyengar-based yoga style, meaning that there is a lot of attention focused on proper alignment and technique, in connection with breath, to help students achieve optimized strength and flexibility.

Because students are managing a prop (ropes and slings) a majority of the time, you will not find a lot of flow-based movements. This class is a great class for beginners through advanced practitioners because it moves at a steady pace, allows students to access poses and spaces otherwise not always accessible, and you can take many variations of the posture to suit your level of practice. Kurunta is also a great option for students with or recovering from injuries or certain physical limitations because the ropes can assist in bearing some of the body weight or supporting parts of the body that may be less strong or flexible. For example, a down dog at the wall is a fan favorite. Not only does the sling help support the hips and provide amazing spinal traction, but it is also beneficial to those with weak or injured wrists, who often times have difficulty supporting the weight of the body on their hands.

Wall Ropes may seem intimidating but many students would agree that in reality, the ropes really help improve overall alignment, strength and flexibility. Come give it a try!

Gabe Hopp