Teacher Spotlight - Katy

1. How did you come to practice yoga?

I've been dabbling in yoga since high school, but I didn’t come to a dedicated practice until my early thirties, when I discovered doyogawithme.com and their program aimed to transition students from “beginner” to “intermediate”.  At that time, I was 80 pounds heavier, couldn't sit upright on the floor without leaning on something, and NO WAY was I touching my toes. I actually remember getting angry enough to shut the video off when the teacher demonstrated malasana (my body was NOT willing to bend that way yet) because I was afraid that the practice wasn't for me. But, once I began to see improvement through consistent practice I became hooked and developed some courage to begin venturing out of the house for classes.  The sense of support and community in the studio just made my drive to practice even stronger.

2. When did you decide that you wanted to be a teacher? How long have you been teaching?

I decided to enroll in teacher training in September 2018 after hearing how transformational the deep dive into the philosophy and mechanics of yoga was for many other students.  I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to teach when enrolling because, honestly, I never imagined I was capable of getting up in front of a group of strangers to try to teach something that had become so personal.  All the knowledge I gained through training deepened my passion, and all the support from the ladies in my class made the idea of teaching more real and more necessary! I believe everyone needs the self-awareness that yoga can help to cultivate and I feel such a wonderful sense of purpose when teaching a class.  

3. What style(s) of yoga do you teach? What do you like about them?

Right now, I’m experimenting with hatha, vinyasa, and yin.  There’s something to love in each style!  I like hatha sequences to really help a student to safely explore potential depth in a peak pose.  The more contemplative approach of hatha allows a student to recognize and respect their “edge” so they don’t hurt themselves. 

I love the energy, connectedness and movement in the vinyasa style.  When I’m feeling sluggish or it’s cold and grey outside, I like to bring out this warming practice. 

Yin is just luscious.  It’s also secretly challenging, especially in our competitive society.  You need to honor your body’s capacity for a pose in order to sustain a long hold, but when you feel yourself sinking into a stretch over 5 minutes it’s THE BEST release.

4. What is your favorite pose?  Why?

It’s so hard to pick!  I like Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana because it was once a pose I thought I would never be able to do.  Every time I do it, I remember that doubt I once felt and I am reminded how consistent practice over time built my balance and strength.  The mechanics of the pose itself make me feel like I have a solid foundation-- it feels good to feel grounded.

5. What do you like to do when you’re not at yoga?

EAT.  TRAVEL. HIKE. Preferably all at the same time, with friends and family.  Hitchcock Nature Center is my hike of choice when around town. My partner and I recently took a trip to Mexico City to visit his family and we got a chance to sneak away to a town to the south of the city with a strenuous hike to the top of a mountain with a pyramid to greet us.  The best part, of course, was consuming large amounts of indigenous cuisine (traditional horchata made from corn, wild boar enchiladas, salsa with ant eggs - actually amazing, croquettes with squash blossom and amaranth) after all that effort! Any day like that is my ultimate happy place.

6. Where can we find you on the One Tree Yoga schedule?

I share the rotation for $5 Holla! on Saturdays at 4pm with April Billingsley and Gina Arant.

Gabe Hopp