Style Spotlight: 75 Minute Hot with Crystal and Tracy

This style spotlight focuses on the slightly-shortened hot series. The 75-minute practice allows for a little more get-in/get-out action. Here are two of our hot teachers on the subject!

1. In your own words, how would describe the style of your class?

Crystal: The 75 minute hot yoga class is a slightly condensed version of the traditional 90 minute hot class. It is practiced in a 105 degree room with 40% humidity. This class consists of the same 26 poses and 2 breathing techniques done in the same consistent order. It is a hatha style yoga practice designed to work every part of the body while allowing space to simultaneously focus on breath. We do the get most poses in twice, but it moves faster and we “flow” some poses together. This class is for all levels and we encourage everyone to come hydrated! 

Tracy: I feel like my classes focus a lot on the aspect of breath.  It is so easy to forget to breathe in such a challenging series.


2. What do you like about teaching this style?

Crystal: I love teaching and practicing this series because it is a class that you can clearly see your progress and truly be 100% focused and present. Even though it is the same sequence every time I feel you can and probably will have a different experience each time. It's truly a reflection of how you are feeling physically and mentally. Some days I feel like an energizer bunny hopping from one pose to another and some days I feel like a turtle moving through thick mud. While balancing, some days I feel like a solid, strong building and some days like a flag in the wind. It's a time for reflection and a time to honor yourself by allowing yourself this time for you and only you. How often do we do that in our ever-so-busy lives? 

Tracy: I love teaching this style. It's beautiful to watch the class move in sync; it can sometimes feel like a dance. 


3. What do you like about practicing this style?

Crystal:  I'm always guaranteed that I will get this 75 minutes for ME and it lets me leave my worries and “to do list” outside the yoga room. I always feel great when I'm done and I never regret showing up!

Tracy: I most love the meditative movement. I can allow myself to drop in and just be present with the practice.


4. Why do you think students should practice this style?

Crystal: This class is suitable for all levels, including beginners. It can be practiced by all levels, any age, and in any shape or condition. This class not only helps us build more flexibility but also strength. It's a perfect balance between building strength, flexibility, endurance and awareness. You'll hear us call it a “moving meditation” simply because you are so focused on your breath and your body, in a heated environment, that you can truly leave the outside world outside! We sometimes feel like we are going a million miles an hour (physically and mentally) and get stuck on “autopilot”. This class will allow you to slow down, find your breath, and become fully aware of your mind and body. You'll have the opportunity to get a glimpse of what it is like to be fully present. We encourage you to let go of ego and give yourself grace. To let go of the outcome and enjoy the journey of each class. You will leave feeling great!

Tracy: I encourage students to try this style. I believe it can bring awareness of our physical and mental strength. It's a challenging practice, but oh, so rewarding.

Gabe Hopp