Teacher Spotlight - Tana

1. How did you come to practice yoga?
About five years ago, a friend invited me to come try Hot Yoga at One Tree and I never left!  My background in gymnastics gave me the confidence to step through the door.  The teachers, the practice, and the applicability in my life off the mat kept me coming back. 

2. When did you decide that you wanted to be a teacher? How long have you been teaching?
I decided to participate in YTT through One Tree because I wanted to deepen my practice.  One of my Clifton Strengths is Input, so the draw of learning the history, philosophy, and methods of yoga were very intriguing.  I am a school teacher, so it felt natural to use that to share my passion of the yoga practice as a teacher outside of my classroom.  After I completed TT in May 2019, I was asked to teach in our Saturday $5 Dolla, Holla! class.  As of September,  I now have a regular class on the schedule!

3. What style(s) of yoga do you teach? What do you like about it/them?
I teach Align and Flow.  What I love about flow is the flexibility.  There are so many different ways to structure class and I get to be creative in my planning. No two classes are ever the same! Students also have many different choices within flow to decide how to honor whatever body they bring to class that day. 

4. What is your favorite pose? Why?
My favorite pose is Pavritti Janu Sirsasana, or Revolved Side Bend.  I love the hamstring opening, twisting, and the intense side body stretching.  I always feel a couple inches taller and wide awake after practicing this pose!

5. What do you like to do when you’re not at yoga?
I am an ESL teacher by weekday and an amateur crafter and cook by night/weekend.  I spend most of my time thinking about my students, artsy ways to avoid chores, and food. 

6. Where can we find you on the One Tree Yoga schedule?
You can find me at One Tree Yoga West at 9 am Sunday mornings for Align and Flow.

Gabe Hopp