Pose of the Month: Downward Facing Dog

Adho mukha svanasana, better known as downward facing dog is modeled here by Alison. What is this pose? Is it a resting pose? Is it hard work? Is it supposed to feel good? Well, that depends on your intentions!

DFD is a super versatile pose that is heavily prevalent in vinyasa and hatha styles. In this pose, you can potentially get a major stretch down the backs of your legs and also a big stretch in the shoulders and chest. But, there are lots of factors at play. And lots and lots of ways to modify to make it more accessible.

To get into this pose, come to your hands and knees and move your knees slightly back of your hips. Widen your hands a little wider than your shoulders and spread your fingers super wide. Curl your toes under and lift your knees up, hips up and press your thighs back. Push your mat down and forward and firm your thighs. Breathe for 5 deep breaths.

Gabe Hopp