OTY Pose of the Month: Virabhadrasana 2
Virabhadrasana 2, better known as warrior 2, is modeled here by Lynsi. It is a standing pose in the lateral family. This pose stretches the inner legs and explores the rotational capacity of the hips. The front hip does external rotation, while the back hip does internal rotation. This stance feels powerful and strong like a warrior.
To get into warrior 2, take a wide stance, facing the side edge of your mat. Turn your front leg out and your back leg in. Bend your front knee until your knee comes over your ankle. Pin your front heel down and turn your front knee toward the pinky-side edge of your foot. Now, firm your back leg and pull your torso slightly toward your back leg. Take your arms wide and squeeze your shoulder blades together behind you, to open up your chest. Take 5 breaths, come out and do the other side.