Pose of the Month: Standing Sidebend

Standing sidebend, modeled here by Cassie, is a strong standing pose in which your spine does lateral flexion. What does that mean? It means you go directly to the side rather than forward or backward. Though this pose doesn't look like a huge challenge, when you're in it, it definitely feels that way. To enter the pose, stretch your arms up, interlace your fingers and release your index finger. Inhale to reach up and on the exhale breath, go over to the side. Press your feet down, firm your legs a lot and draw your navel to your spine. Try to slide your hips more in the opposite direction of your torso. Hold for 5 or so breaths (don't hold your breath, even though it's hard!) and lean as far to the side as you can comfortably go. Inhale to come back up and switch your grip before you go into side two.

Gabe Hopp