SATYA: What it is, On and Off the Mat

SATYA is an acronym. It stands for Sensory Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement. The acronym and the corresponding practices were created by Tias Little at Prajna Yoga. It is a style of yoga movements that flow with the breath and is done primarily lying down. It is a combination of physical therapy movements, somatics and yoga, all practiced slowly and without force. At our studio, we call this style “Slow + Low” and you can find it Wednesday mornings at 9:30 via Zoom.

Let’s break down the acronym into understandable pieces.

SA is first and foremost. Humans typically have 5 senses; sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. SA, Awareness of our Senses connects us to the environment we’re in. For example, the smell in the air after a rainfall can inhale us into the moment. On the mat we slide and glide with the breath and feel our bodies.

The T is for training (practice). Like most things, familiarity takes practice. SATYA can be very unfamiliar and unlike other styles of yoga. Some teachers at OTY incorporate it into their classes. Repetition trains us in the mechanics to make our glide smoother.

YA is yoga attunement. The last letters put yoga into this style. The way we do poses will change, becoming easier with practice and possibly more challenging when changes arise. Yoga allows us to practice without judgement, to notice and fine tune the practice each time. This practice is a lifelong treat. It gives us more mobility, space and strength.

To become a certified SATYA teacher through Prajna, I documented hundreds of personal practice hours. I used the movements before and after a major ankle surgery for preparation and recovery. I always incorporate it in my home practice and use it therapeutically.

When I tell people that I teach yoga sometimes there’s an apology as to how tight they are and could “never do yoga” followed by “I probable should”. My 85-year old friend came to a class and told me she cannot do it because “it’s too slow for me.”  We do not have to be old and slow to practice SATYA. It’s time to slow down more while awake and feel what’s going on inside. And if we are old and slow, sliding and gliding can feel pretty good.

For me, yoga is a way of life and I practice for longevity.


Gabe Hopp