Teacher Spotlight: Meet Jamie D!

Tell us a little about you.

I live on an acreage in Fort Calhoun. I enjoy gardening, fishing, and especially springtime. I have chickens and like sharing eggs. When indoors I'm pretty domestic. I keep busy sewing, quilting, canning, cooking and being with family. My husband and I raised 4 children, 2 we adopted from Romania. I have been practicing yoga for over 30 years. I completed my 200 hour TT with OTY in 2010. I continue to say it is the best thing I ever did for myself. When the pandemic lockdown began I jumped into online classes and trainings. I became 500 hour certified with OTY and Prajna. I am also on track to become Yoga Therapy Certified with Prajna. Working with people one-on-one, seeing release and pain relief makes me happy dance.

What is the biggest impact that yoga has had on your life?

Yoga helps me to …Slow Down. Being mindful during day to day activities can be super enjoyable.One of my favorite Isso phrases is “ Oh snail, climb Mt. Fuji. But …slowly, slowly”.Yoga has become a learning journey. I love taking, sequencing and teaching classes. I delight in yoga immersions, silent retreats and workshops. It continues to amaze me when the knowledge I take in finds its way out when I need it.

When do you apply the lessons of yoga in your daily life?

I apply yoga All The Time. Finding ways to mentally and physically pull myself into midline helps when I feel like I'm falling apart. A man once asked me to describe yoga in one word. I said Ahimsa. This gave me the opportunity to expand a bit about that aspect of it. An orthopedic surgeon once told me I need to find a different sport. I think I gave him a side-eye. It's so much more than that.

What are your 3 go-to poses if you need a quick practice?

I break out into Urdva Hastasana often. It's a go-to most anytime/anywhere energizing pose. Navasana. I have a floor core flow I do almost daily. Adho Mukha Svanasana. When I've healed up from surgeries that first DD is sweet.

What is your favorite style of yoga right now and why?

Hatha with props is always fun and all things SATYA. I have hyper-mobility in my joints that has caused many orthopedic surgeries and arthritis. My body needs a careful blend of strengthening with lengthening. SATYA practice prepared me for surgeries and during all phases of recovery. It is therapeutic and strength building.

What is unique about your classes and your style of teaching?

I've watched my style of teaching evolve with me over the years. With my therapeutic training I visualize the internal workings of the body during the sequence.I have ways to modify poses, especially with my history of surgeries. I always try to add core work to keep the spine strong and supple.I kind of like being challenged when people say "there is no way I could ever do yoga!”. I tend to disagree!

Gabe Hopp