Teacher Spotlight: Meet Stephanie

Tell us a little about you.

I am semi-retired. I am currently working as an Educational Assistant for Westside66. I support the Reading Specialist at Prairie Lane Elementary. I help kiddos K-6 who are behind their peers in reading. I love to read! Watching these kiddos grow in their reading skills and comprehension skills is amazing. It never fails if I am having a tough day personally, one of them makes me smile by giving me a hug, running up to me to share a story or tell a joke or asking a question only a child would ask. At times, it has brought tears to my eyes as it was just what I needed!

I have two grown daughters, Megan 29 and Maddie 27. I love them dearly!!! Megan and her husband Jordan live in Livingston, Montana and Maddie lives here in Omaha.

We have spent a large amount of our time at our cabin (just sold it last fall) in Wyoming, hiking, snowmobiling and being in nature far from the hustle of our lives. The outdoors is a HUGE passion for all of us especially the mountains. A few years ago, Megan, Jordan and I backpacked in the wilderness of Denali State Park for a week. It was one of the most challenging and exciting things I have done!

Besides raising children, the most challenging thing I have done was going through Bikram’s 9-week certification process. It was the first-time I traveled internationally by myself. The training was held in Khoa Lak, Thailand, 2015. The experience was beyond amazing. I was going through a super rough time personally before I went to Thailand. It gave me perspective about myself and where my life was going. It strengthened my faith as I could NOT have made it through the experience without my faith in God. It helped me realize and face my personal fears. Thailand and its people are beautiful.

I went back in 2017 to Thailand and Cambodia for 3 weeks with my niece with “We are Bamboo”. We spent time in a village of Mahouts (keepers/owners/trainers) of Asian elephants. We had the opportunity to help in the village and also do some sightseeing. In Cambodia, we stayed in Siem Reap and worked in an underprivilege school.

Obviously, I LOVE to travel.

What is the biggest impact that yoga has had on your life? 

As I mentioned above, the HOT 26 training in Thailand was life changing. I used to be more of a cardio/weight gal. I ran in half marathons and one Mini Triathlon. The series gave me the flexibility I was lacking, mental strength and focus, leaner muscular structure and mostly the ability to deal with our natural fight or flight response when we are under duress.

Coming to the mat brings me focus on the here and now, a break from stresses of life, humility, and strength. Teaching is also meditative and healing for me. It also gives me a chance to give back.

When do you apply the lessons of yoga in your daily life? 

Oh, my, ALL day long.

What are your 3 go-to poses if you need a quick practice?

At the very least, the first three warm up postures in the Hot 26 series (Ardha-Chandrasasna with Pada-Hastasana, Utkatasana and Garudasana). Preferable, all the standing series and add Supta-Vajrasana, as my knees need the healing of that posture as much as possible!

What is your favorite style of yoga right now and why?

The Hot 26 seriesWhen life is so crazy as it is much of the time, I can count on the series for stability in all areas of my life. The series never changes. The way my body responds does but the series is a constant in life. Any restorative yoga is amazing to me but unfortunately, I haven’t the time to squeeze it in.

What is unique about your classes and your style of teaching?

My style is energetic and passionate. If a student moves (movement at the same time) with the words of the dialogue and along with other students, you can feel the energy being shared with all involved. I try to cultivate shared energy.

Gabe Hopp