The Privilege to Practice by Gabe Hopp

The ability to practice yoga is a privilege. It feels extra evident this time of year that a lot has to “be in order” for someone to be able to dedicate time/energy/money to practice.

In order to practice yoga, you have to have your immediate needs already met. That’s food, water and shelter at the bare minimum. Then, you have to feel safe enough somewhere to practice without fear. That means that you need a safe space, whether it’s your home, a community space or a yoga studio. Not everyone has access to a safe space. Additionally, you need to feel safe enough, brave enough to spend your time looking within. At all the joy and pain and suffering and challenges and humanity. Then, you need money. Studio yoga is not cheap and if you have to choose between having your immediate needs met and yoga, well….

But, of course, I believe that yoga IS the necessary work. Yoga is in my bones and I know it’s deep within many of yours as well. I recognize the privilege I have that allows me to be a yoga teacher as my job. I see clearly how lucky I am to have the time, support and means to move and breathe and sit and contemplate without fear.

But I also believe that the more people do yoga, the better this world will be. I believe that the true work of yoga is the deep internal looking, the emphasis on ahimsa (non-harming) and the chance to make contact with our true divine nature. The true practice (not just handstands and namastes!) brings us in tune with the need for kindness, non-judgement and acceptance. If you have the safety, the privilege, the ability to focus your attention on these things; if you can practice yoga without fear, with a full belly, without spending all your paycheck, please do. The world needs more yoga.

Gabe Hopp