Teacher Spotlight: Meet Crystal

Crystal Parker can do it all! She teaches hot and non-hot, sells real estate and is a mom of one sweet lil lady, with a bun in the oven. We are so lucky to have Crystal on staff; she is a major team player and greets our students with genuine warmth and care. Better get some Crystal in your life before she goes on maternity leave this spring. 

Here is our recent interview with Crystal:

1. Tell us a little about you.

Crystal began her yoga journey almost 15 years ago in Chicago. Her demanding job required lots of travel and long hours which was a wear on her mind, body, and soul. She fell in love with the way yoga made her feel. She continued practicing hot yoga for years and then came to understand her life’s purpose: “To share the practice of yoga healing with others.” She decided to quit her job and pursue her dreams of travel and the study of yoga. She studied in Bali with Evolation Yoga. She is dedicated to exploring all that yoga has to offer by continuing to be student of different types of yoga. She feels yoga is a lifelong journey of discovery. Crystal’s goal in teaching is to encourage self-love, compassion and acceptance. When Crystal is not teaching and practicing yoga she spends her time as a full-time realtor. She loves helping people accomplish their real estate goals. She also loves traveling and exploring new things with her husband and little girl. They are soon-to-be a family of four!

2. What is the biggest impact that yoga has had on your life?

Yoga always teaches me how to sloooow down. I’ve always been one to run around like a mad woman and pile so much on my plate. You can say I am somewhat of a doer and an over achiever. Also, I tend to hold onto things and not let go easily (especially failures and thoughts surrounding those failures…well what “I think” are failures). When I started doing yoga years ago, I finally felt more peace than I had ever experienced. I was able to slow down. Not to be so hard on myself and yoga taught me how to let thoughts, things, and people go that were no longer serving me. Last, but not least, yoga brings more balance into my life. When I do not do my yoga/meditation/breathing practice I definitely feel this stirring of uncontrollable craziness inside me and around me. Not fun. It’s a must I make time for my practice.

3. When do you apply the lessons of yoga in your daily life?

Yoga lessons learned on our mats are definitely practiced off the mat, too. Like I mentioned above, it teaches me how to not just react but to respond to life. To sloooow down and make time to reflect and think before responding. It’s that pause and breath that is practiced on the mat that helps me in my daily life. I become more in tune with my mind/body and when “off the mat” I can tap into that more easily. It’s so simple to just “check out” in daily life. I learn to be more aware throughout the day and not just on auto pilot.

4. What are your 3 go-to poses if you need a quick practice?

Things look a little differently these days with a 16 month old and being halfway through my second pregnancy. My 3 go-to poses are Bridge Pose or Supta Virasana (some sort of belly up/backbend/opening the front body), Balasana (always feels oh so good) and Adho Mukha Svanasana (a need to open up the back body without so much pressure on my abdomen and keeps me feeling grounded and strong).

5. What is your favorite style of yoga right now and why?

Any type of slow flow like Yinyasa to get my body moving without too much exertion. It allows me to move with intention and focus on every movement and breath. I feel lighter and calm yet strong and grounded after this type of practice.

6. What is unique about your classes and your style of teaching?

I aspire to bring a sense of inclusiveness and community. I want every one of my students to know they belong here and can do yoga. No matter of ability, flexibility, strength, body type, race, age, or gender. They did the hard part by showing up and they are here for a reason. They brought themselves this far and it’s my passion to make them feel comfortable and fall in love with the practice.

Gabe Hopp