Why One Tree Yoga? By: Alison King Tigges

If you have been reading any of our blogposts since we started several years ago, you know why we think yoga is the bees knees.  You do not have to look very far to see us talking about why we think everyone needs to practice yoga! I want to discuss why yoga at One Tree Yoga is the best, and why we want it to be your yoga home (if it is not already).  All yoga is great to some degree, but we believe what we have built at OTY is extra special.


The Yoga

At OTY, we believe that yoga is a discipline and a lifelong practice.  Yes, it can be a workout!  But we teach it as so much more in our classes.  Yoga can be a mental practice, a physical practice, a spiritual practice, and a heart-centered practice!  It can be one, none, or ALL of the above!  We teach yoga in its truest form and then make it accessible for modern life.  We do not need fancy things to get people in the door.  Come for the yoga, stay for the yoga.


The Teachers

We have the most experienced, best, kindest, and most-well trained teachers in town.  Our staff is diverse, so you are sure to find a great fit!  I am proud to work with people who truly love yoga and love sharing it with others.  We require our teachers get continuing education, so it is a guarantee that when you come to an OTY class, you have someone teaching you that is always stepping up their game.  Our teachers walk the walk. 


The Community

There is nothing quite like your yoga buddies, am I right?!  Even if it is just saying hi to someone you see in class each week, or a lifelong yoga friendship, it is so fun to practice with like-minded, awesome people.  Like our teaching staff, our community is diverse!  In each class, you will find people from all ages, shapes, sizes, and walks of life! Our classes are full of people trying to better themselves, not just physically, but in all ways.  I am inspired each day I walk into the studio by this community.


At OTY , we stand by the 3 Jewels of practice.  The buddha (the teachers), the dharma (the teachings of yoga) and the sangha (the community).  We believe these jewels are second-to-none at One Tree Yoga.  So if you are a loyal students, THANK YOU!  If it’s been a minute, we would love to welcome you back!  If you are new, come see for yourself! Yoga is what we do, and we do it the best in town.

Gabe Hopp